About Us

baby thingamabobs is created by a working mother, who understands the need for quality products for the nursery. We source for unique products suitable for the modern mommy and child - only the best THINGAMABOBS for our children!

As a working mommy, I realised how easy it was to let the humdrum of bringing up a child take over my lifestyle. For the first few months after Slade was born, functional buys took over the nursery. The designer baby products that I used to ogle at pre-pregnancy hardly made it to the to-buy-list.

However, after the baby settled in, it was all the fancy buys that I purchased pre-pregnancy that were the most fun to have around. I found the baby smiling at the little rabbit lamp and it was the classic aviators that brings out the rockstar in him. Now I cannot wait for Slade to be old enough to camp out in the kitchen in his little teepee.

From experience, it does no harm introducing a little bit of fun into the nursery. Which is what baby thingamabobs brings to you.

Mommies, do not let having a child cramp your style!

Recently, we had a second child - sweet little Sophie. Instantly, I realised it was a different ball game altogether. I vouch that mothers of little girls experience an onslaught of impossibly lovely things. Temptations are abound, some more extravagant than others.

Today, I hold true to the believe that the whimsical nursery should be filled with happy thingamabobs of quality, value, innovation and joy!
